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rent charge 【法律】地租。

rent roll

Along with the growth of the building industry for lease , the progress of the mechanical equipment management is not the same with it . the traditional methods - keeping business records manually , lease ( giving back ) records , calculating rent charge sum , counting rent things , ca n ' t meet the needs of the develop of business . the general headquarters of the company can only exchange information with their branches through telephone , fax or post 隨著建筑租賃業的發展,其機械設備管理并沒有得到同步發展,傳統的方法? ?采用手工記帳、出租(歸還)登記、計算租費金額以及統計出租情況,已完全不能滿足企業業務發展的需要,加之公司總部同地處異地的分公司信息交流只能通過電話、傳真或郵寄等方式進行,無法及時準確地了解分公司的業務情況,有的建筑設備租賃公司已開始使用設備管理軟件,但也只是剛剛起步,還存在許多問題。

But much of that jump is thanks to a sharp rise in the cost of housing ( which makes up almost 40 % of core cpi ) , particularly the category of “ owners ' equivalent rent ” which estimates the cost of living in a house by looking at rents charged on similar properties 但是,此次上漲大多歸因于迅猛上漲的房屋成本(組成了將近40 %的cpi ) ,特別應該歸咎于“業主等價租金”的上漲上,這種租金使家庭的生活成本能夠通過觀察相似財產的租賃費用來衡量。

The rents charged in respect of these leases were set at rates prevailing at the time when the leases were executed . renewal of these pre - 1985 leases , if approved by government , will be subject to the new government rent of three per cent per annum of the rateable value of the property 如果這些一九八五年前批出的契約在期滿時獲政府批準續期,便須按照新規定的水平繳付地租,即每年為有關土地應課差餉租值的百分之三。

Government rent charged with rates under the same quarterly “ demand for rates and or government rent “ is not deductible for property tax purposes 在物業稅下,地租與差餉在同一徵收差餉及或地租通知書內徵收是不可扣減的。

Analysis to the renting of construction machinery and its rent charge 建設機械租賃與租價分析